Resident Evil 6
Jorge Bocanegra - April 19, 2011
How different will it be?Tarrah Rivard - April 15, 2011
They're like land sharks...Dominik Mayr - April 6, 2011
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City's producer Masachika Kawata, while speaking to GamePro Germany, had this to say when asked directly…Tarrah Rivard - February 21, 2011
If true, a reason to be on the Sony side. If false, everyone's a winner!Tarrah Rivard - December 4, 2010
It's not all bad news.Ryan Stanford - September 30, 2010
A lot of Resident Evil fans are going to be overjoyed to hear this. During the Nintendo Conference not too…Jorge Bocanegra - September 8, 2010
Time to hear from our good friend Inafune again! This time he talks about the multiple projects already on his…Jorge Bocanegra - September 1, 2010
Below you'll find a quote from one of the main heads at Capcom: Inafune. It basically teases a forthcoming reveal…Tarrah Rivard - June 13, 2010
A look at what Resident Evil 6 might bring us.