E3: Dead Island Riptide announced

E3: Dead Island Riptide announced

E3: IGN on Resident Evil 6; “Varied, controls well, a lot of fun… but going to split the fanbase.”

E3: IGN on Resident Evil 6; “Varied, controls well, a lot of fun… but going to split the fanbase.”

E3 2012: Nintendo press conference live blog

E3 2012: Nintendo press conference live blog

E3: ZombiU press release gives insight on the game; it’s a sequel

E3: ZombiU press release gives insight on the game; it’s a sequel

E3: Another small clip of Resident Evil 6 gameplay footage

E3: Another small clip of Resident Evil 6 gameplay footage

E3: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate trailer released!

E3: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate trailer released!

DailyVania: Dissecting Lords of Shadow 2’s poster

DailyVania: Dissecting Lords of Shadow 2’s poster

ZombiU announced for Wii U; announcement trailer released

ZombiU announced for Wii U; announcement trailer released

E3: DmC’s new trailer shows that Dante is quite the hard-nosed punk

E3: DmC’s new trailer shows that Dante is quite the hard-nosed punk

E3: Dead Space 3 videos coming at ya

E3: Dead Space 3 videos coming at ya

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