Whispers’ delayed, still ask us stuff

Whispers’ delayed, still ask us stuff

Dementium II gets ‘behind the scenes’ video

Dementium II gets ‘behind the scenes’ video

ZombiU advertisement falls in bad taste

ZombiU advertisement falls in bad taste

New Siren game to be released on PlayStation 4?

New Siren game to be released on PlayStation 4?

VGA 2012: The Last of Us arrives in May

VGA 2012: The Last of Us arrives in May

VGA 2012: The Phantom Pain looks intense, not sure if a MGS game

VGA 2012: The Phantom Pain looks intense, not sure if a MGS game

Rely on Horror’s Game of the Year 2012: The Nominees

Rely on Horror’s Game of the Year 2012: The Nominees

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D headed for Japanese eShop

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D headed for Japanese eShop

DmC Eye of Dante app lets you see evil

DmC Eye of Dante app lets you see evil

New preorder bonuses for Dead Space 3

New preorder bonuses for Dead Space 3

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