Willem Dafoe joins Beyond: Two Souls

Willem Dafoe joins Beyond: Two Souls

Metro: Last Light releasing this spring

Metro: Last Light releasing this spring

Resident Evil games on sale on Xbox Live

Resident Evil games on sale on Xbox Live

Naughty Dog tells us how the infected were created

Naughty Dog tells us how the infected were created

Survival Sunday Livestream: Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh

Survival Sunday Livestream: Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh

Isaac Clarke joins PlayStation Allstars

Isaac Clarke joins PlayStation Allstars

Warz has come back from the grave

Warz has come back from the grave

Asylum reaches kickstarter goal

Asylum reaches kickstarter goal

Huntsman: The Orphanage and Organ Trail: Director’s Cut Greenlit on Steam

Huntsman: The Orphanage and Organ Trail: Director’s Cut Greenlit on Steam

Dead Island Giveaway

Dead Island Giveaway

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