Dead Island Riptide achievements revealed

Dead Island Riptide achievements revealed

Eyes, a horror game for PC, iOS and Android

Eyes, a horror game for PC, iOS and Android

Climax Studios working on an unannounced horror game

Climax Studios working on an unannounced horror game

State of Decay gets new trailer, release window on XBLA

State of Decay gets new trailer, release window on XBLA

Whispers in The Dark Ep. 42: Racist Poltergeists

Whispers in The Dark Ep. 42: Racist Poltergeists

Review: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Review: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Capcom to sell DmC preorder necklace

Capcom to sell DmC preorder necklace

Top 10 scary/disturbing bosses in non-horror games

Top 10 scary/disturbing bosses in non-horror games

Review: Evil Dead

Review: Evil Dead

PAX East 2013 Coverage Roundup

PAX East 2013 Coverage Roundup

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