Lone Survivor PS3/Vita to be a Director’s Cut, will come to PC

Lone Survivor PS3/Vita to be a Director’s Cut, will come to PC

Dead Island Riptide has a pretty good launch trailer

Dead Island Riptide has a pretty good launch trailer

Don’t Starve now available

Don’t Starve now available

These Resident Evil PSN savings are gigantic

These Resident Evil PSN savings are gigantic

Corpse Party: Blood Drive coming to PS Vita

Corpse Party: Blood Drive coming to PS Vita

Introducing Resident Evil: The Arklay Horror

Introducing Resident Evil: The Arklay Horror

More The Evil Within details & concept art surface from IGN

More The Evil Within details & concept art surface from IGN

Review: Dead Island Riptide

Review: Dead Island Riptide

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs releases some (very dark) new screens

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs releases some (very dark) new screens

Until Dawn’s box art suggests DualShock support

Until Dawn’s box art suggests DualShock support

The Evil Within announcement media analysis

The Evil Within announcement media analysis

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