Fede Alvarez to direct Dante’s Inferno movie

Fede Alvarez to direct Dante’s Inferno movie

Dead Rising 3 co-op details and return of the Psychos

Dead Rising 3 co-op details and return of the Psychos

Diablo 3’s auction house will disappear in 2014 [UPDATED]

Diablo 3’s auction house will disappear in 2014 [UPDATED]

First 13 minutes of Silence of the Sleep

First 13 minutes of Silence of the Sleep

Indie game Contagion on kickstarter

Indie game Contagion on kickstarter

Beyond: Two Souls TV spot features running

Beyond: Two Souls TV spot features running

Preview: Enola

Preview: Enola

Preview: Betrayer

Preview: Betrayer

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