Swery65 confirms that he’s working on the Deadly Premonition sequel

Swery65 confirms that he’s working on the Deadly Premonition sequel

Siren listed on PlayStation 4 press release

Siren listed on PlayStation 4 press release

Shadow of the Undead – Fumito Ueda dreams of a zombie game

Shadow of the Undead – Fumito Ueda dreams of a zombie game

Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection

Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection

Dark Souls influenced the PlayStation 4’s design

Dark Souls influenced the PlayStation 4’s design

Dropsy hits Kickstarter and my nightmares

Dropsy hits Kickstarter and my nightmares

American McGee’s Grimm available on GOG

American McGee’s Grimm available on GOG

Interview explores Durante’s motives

Interview explores Durante’s motives

Bloodlines – Exploring Castlevania: Mirror of Fate’s music

Bloodlines – Exploring Castlevania: Mirror of Fate’s music

Upgraded Montague’s Mount released on Steam

Upgraded Montague’s Mount released on Steam

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