Patch v1.014 fixes many of Claire’s issues

Patch v1.014 fixes many of Claire’s issues

Playstation 4 to receive new Onechanbara game

Playstation 4 to receive new Onechanbara game

Fatal Frame V: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden officially announced for Wii U

Fatal Frame V: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden officially announced for Wii U

Depth pits you against sharks and I am not ready for this

Depth pits you against sharks and I am not ready for this

Alien: Isolation can be completed without killing enemies, allows revisiting of previous levels

Alien: Isolation can be completed without killing enemies, allows revisiting of previous levels

Blood franchise comes to Steam

Blood franchise comes to Steam

Another trademark filed on Until Dawn

Another trademark filed on Until Dawn

Akiba’s Trip coming to Europe this fall

Akiba’s Trip coming to Europe this fall

Square Enix’s Deadman’s Cross crosses over with Capcom’s Resident Evil

Square Enix’s Deadman’s Cross crosses over with Capcom’s Resident Evil

Take a journey into the Spirit World in DEADSKINS

Take a journey into the Spirit World in DEADSKINS

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