Get a first glimpse of the Tokyo Ghoul smartphone game

Get a first glimpse of the Tokyo Ghoul smartphone game

Source code for 3DO port of Doom made available

Source code for 3DO port of Doom made available

Dead Island 2 beta will be PS4 exclusive for 30 days

Dead Island 2 beta will be PS4 exclusive for 30 days

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut for free on PS Plus

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut for free on PS Plus

The Hum gets another trailer

The Hum gets another trailer

Slaughtering Grounds dev loses to Jim Sterling

Slaughtering Grounds dev loses to Jim Sterling

Heavy metal and video games, “The Birdcage” is a project that spans two mediums

Heavy metal and video games, “The Birdcage” is a project that spans two mediums

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