Yuppie Psycho Release Date Announced

Yuppie Psycho

Fans of the pixel-horror genre may be happy to know that Yuppie Psycho, the latest game from Baroque Decay, has received a release date. Confirmed via Twitter, we now know that the game will be releasing on April 25th.

For the unfamiliar, Yuppie Psycho is a pixel-horror adventure game that follows Brian Pasternack, an unprepared, newly hired employee at Sintracorp. When a powerful witch responsible for making Sintracorp massively successful returns seeking vengeance, Brian learns the true nature of his job: to hunt down and stop her. The game is composed by Michael Kelly of VA-11 HALL-A fame, and you can check out some the music as of now.

You can learn more about the game on the store’s official Steam page. Additionally, if you happen to own a copy of The Count Lucanor, you can actually try a demo of Yuppie Psycho now.

Check out the Yuppie Psycho trailer down below, and stay tuned to Rely On Horror for more news as the release date approaches.

YouTube video

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