YAIBA releasing on March 4th, new trailer released

YAIBA: Ninja Gaiden Z finally has a release date. Like the ninjas that they love to create, Team Ninja (and TECMO KOEI) have announced that March 4, 2014 will be the day that we can get our hands on this Ninja Gaiden spin-off. The game will release simultaneously for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

If a release date was not enough, how about a new trailer filled with expletives and “Sugar Tits”? Because that’s what we have below. It’s quite entertaining.

I’m getting a real Lollipop Chainsaw vibe from YAIBA. While I wasn’t a big fan of that game’s combat, it has decent humor. If the trailer is any indication, it looks like YAIBA is following suit, by being filled with crude and immature humor as well as lots of zombie killing. I have no problem with that as long as it doesn’t approach the level of sexist bullshit that Killer is Dead reveled in.

Anyone else looking forward to trying this game out, or am I alone in laughing at lame innuendo?

YouTube video

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