XSEED registers Corpse Party: Blood Drive domain

By way of NicheGamer we’re learning that XSEED Games, North American publisher of many localized Japanese titles, is on its way to bringing us the next Corpse Party. A few weeks ago the publisher registered the CORPSEPARTYBLOODDRIVE.COM domain name, Blood Drive being the third entry in the Corpse Party Heavenly Host saga.

Corpse Party: Blood Drive released on the PlayStation Vita last summer, returning to the series’ adventure style gameplay but adopting 3D visuals. It is a direct sequel to the Blood Drive chapter in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, which continued from the events of the first game.

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m glad we’re closer to an official announcement. XSEED is said to also be working on the Corpse Party PC re-release, as well. All we need to do is wait for an announcement!

[Source, via NicheGamer]

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