World War Z Smashes Sales Expectations, Thanks to Epic Store Exclusivity Apparently

world war z review

Huh, that’s… surprising. While I actually quite enjoyed World War Z, I was honestly kinda expecting it to just sort of evaporate after the first day or two, thanks to the namesake and weird release window sandwiched between two major AAA zombie games (REmake 2 and Days Gone), but looks like I was wrong! World War Z has evidently sold a million copies total and, according to developer Saber Interactive, more than a fourth of that is thanks to the Epic Games Store. Saber Interactive chief executive Matthew Karch explained in an interview with VentureBeat:

“Overall the US and EU have been equally strong in sales. We have had 70,000 people playing at once across all platforms, with very similar distribution among PC, PS4, and Xbox. What surprises us is the fact that sales outside of the US on the Epic Store have been so strong, with the US being only one-quarter of sales.”

Karch would also ad separately:

“On the PC specifically, we are performing way above expectations thanks to the support we have received from the Epic Games Store.”

That is mighty impressive if we’re being honest. A million copies is nothing to sneeze at — to put that in perspective, that’s as many copies as the original release of Dead Rising 4 sold. Dead Rising 4 wasn’t amazing, but it’s way higher profile (or at least you’d assume) than a spin-off from a 6 year old movie. But hey, good for them. World War Z is a lot of fun, and I obviously recommend it — especially if you’re on console, where the Left 4 Dead scene either doesn’t exist (PS4) or is dead (Xbox One Backwards Compatibility).


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