Wolfenstein: The Old Blood announced as standalone prequel

Well, well, well. Ain’t this some pretty amazing news from pre-PAX East? Bethesda has announced that Machine Games will once again get behind the wheel of the Wolfenstein series and release a standalone prequel to The New Order on May 5. To be sold for $20, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood stars series hero BJ Blazkowicz and takes place in 1946.

Spanning eight chapters and two parts, The Old Blood begins with BJ sneaking into Castle Wolfenstein to find information on General Deathshead’s facility. The game’s second part will take BJ to the city of Wulfburg where a nazi archeologist is experimenting with ancient artifacts and an evil dark power. It sounds like Wolfenstein is going supernatural again, kids!

The first trailer for The Old Blood can be found below. Based on that, perhaps we can expect the content to be inspired by classic monster movies? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. The Old Blood will be available on May 5, 2015 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Bethesda will also be holding a PAX East stream at 10:30 am EST on Friday and Saturday on Twitch’s official channel.


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