What She Didn’t Say appears in an abandoned subway

A small teaser has appeared on IndieDB.com for Bathory Games’ new project, What She Didn’t Say. It looks to have gameplay similar to Amnesia, Slender, and other indie PC horror games as of late.

The France-based team is focusing on the story of Alex, a young father who is going to pick his daughter Chloé up from school to celebrate her 9th birthday. While taking the subway the metro stops and he’s all alone. Sounds like some Silent Hill 3 influence wandered into the game as well.  Of course, it wouldn’t be an indie horror title if it wasn’t in first person and you were being chased by someone or something. In this instance it’s “an eerie man” and you can’t find back. What will potentially set What She Didn’t Say apart from the competition is that your actions within the levels can change the behavior of your stalker. The enemy will react to “noises, lights, and the player’s own choices”.  Intriguing!

Though the video below doesn’t show a whole lot, you can get a feel for the overall tone of the game and see the nicely rendered environments. Another trailer depicting more of the gameplay is said to be coming soon.

YouTube video


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