Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood Trailer Howls at the Moon

Shown off today during the IGN Expo: Summer of Gaming live stream, we have an all-new cinematic trailer for Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Earthblood, a new upcoming game from the World of Darkness. Check it out:

YouTube video

Set in the same universe as Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse takes a slightly different view of the world we inhabit. While the high and mighty Kindred of VTM pull strings and scheme against each other, Werewolf: The Apocalypse‘s self-titled Garou (changelings that can morph between human and beast forms) act in tightly nit packs and work to destroy the source of all evil, the Wyrm. From Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Earthblood‘s Epic Game Store page:

A unique experience full of savage combat and mystical adventures, inspired by the famous role-playing game.

You are Cahal, a powerful Garou who chose to go into exile after losing control of his destructive rage. You can transform into a wolf and a Crinos, a huge ferocious beast. You must master the three forms and powers of human, wolf and Crinos to punish those who defile Gaia, Mother Earth. But your worst enemy is yourself: if you don’t contain your rage, it can destroy you once again…

Each form has its advantages: the wolf can sneak around undetected, Cahal as a human can interact with other people, and the Werewolf can unleash its rage to tear enemies apart. This rage is your greatest asset but also your weakness…

On his quest for redemption and blood, Cahal plays a crucial role in the great war between the Garou and Endron, a powerful oil company that serves the Wyrm, a destructive spirit ravaging the planet.

It’s interesting to note that the game is officially labeled as “coming soon”, as previous marketing has stated that it would be arriving this year. Seeing as we’re already halfway through it and still have yet to see even so much as a screenshot from it, odds are looking good that it’ll be missing that target. Again, Werewolf: The Apocalypse is set in the World of Darkness, so there might be a few seeds planted in the upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 (in fact, we already know that there will be some lycanthrope goings-on thanks to the season pass).

We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.

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