VTM: Coteries of New York Gameplay Trailer Reveals Text Based Vampirism

If you haven’t gotten the chance to stay up-to-date in regards to Vampire: The Masquerade news, we’re getting a lot of VTM goodness over the next year or so. The big one of course, is VTM: Bloodlines 2, which is releasing at some point next year (after a recent delay announcement), but alongside it are VTM: Swansong and VTM: Coteries of New York. Swansong doesn’t have much in regards to information, but Coteries of New York is releasing crazy soon — as in this December kind of soon. With that in mind, we finally have a gameplay trailer just a few days ahead of Halloween, and I’m relishing this first real look at it.

I’m loving the tone and style captured here, from the visual flair to the music. The sensual, dark, horror atmosphere of VTM is captured excellently here, even if we have only a few seconds to really drink it in. Gonna need that score on CD asap, too. I’m curious why this game is being kept so tightly under wraps, hell, I didn’t even know that it was a text adventure until fairly recently, and I’ve been keeping as abreast of this stuff as I can. Hopefully, we see more soon, they do still have a little over a month to ramp marketing up. A lack of visibility can be the death of games this niche, and I’m hoping that Corteries doesn’t get blindsided because nobody knew about it. Its direct competition for early December shouldn’t be too steep for the genre it occupies, save for arguably Life is Strange 2: Episode 3, so fingers crossed that it’ll be able to stand out in the crowd.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York releases December 4th on PC, and a Nintendo Switch version is planned for Q1 2020. We’ll be sure to let you know our thoughts once the game releases.

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