Upcoming DayZ Survival Update Has Fireplaces, New Food, and New Towns

The DayZ team at Bohemia Interactive have taken to their development blog today to discuss their status on the upcoming survival elements planned for the game with version 0.42xxxxxx. With a stable update originally supposed to drop two weeks ago, the team has stated that two issues have prevented them from releasing the update. Their new projection for release is unspecified but coming soon.

The team plans to bring us the first of the survival updates soon and release a complete version within the month. The impending release of fireplaces for cooking brings us a look at what they’ll look like at day and night; the team seems especially proud of how the way the fireplaces will emit light. They have also stated that the AK rifle is near-complete; mouse acceleration is almost fixed; progress on physics and arrows is doing well; and a bug with persistent loot is being addressed in order to speed up its release.

Some new updates can already be found on the experimental version of DayZ. For starters, a new town has already been discovered (Черная Поляна), and handful of new guns, new food and items, and improved lighting are already available. There’s even a new brand of beans! I love beans!


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