Uncanny Valley coming next month, new 101 trailer is promising


Uncanny Valley is almost here. I’ve been looking forward to it ever since we got a chance to talk to the dev team, and the demo that Cowardly Creations released only helped to cement that desire. We won’t have to wait much longer: the team says the game will be released at some point in April. They’ve released a fancy little narrated video that shows off the core mechanics of the game (such as localized healing for specific damaged appendages and open-ended puzzles) that you may want to avoid if you can since it’ll be best to go in blind. They’ve already got my money, but if you’re not convinced, check out the video and suck down some spoilers.

You can pre-order Uncanny Valley on Humble for $8.99, and there’s a Steam page here. This might be a good one, and that music is definitely helping to convince me of that.

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