Try not to get abducted in The Hum

When I was a kid, there was this cheesy television special on Fox (yeah, yeah…) about a ‘real’ alien abduction.  Looking back, it was pretty hokey, but to my 10ish year old brain, it was the most terrifying, awesome thing ever.  And come to think of it, it still kind of is.  There simply aren’t enough horror games that take advantage of our fear of aliens, and that’s what makes The Hum so appealing.

In The Hum, players will be put in the shoes of a lone survivor during an alien invasion, trying to outrun aliens.  Now that might make it sound like you have half a chance – except it doesn’t sound like the aliens are too far off of your trail.  Actually, it sounds like you’re a rat stuck in a maze.

The Hum is a horror game set in a world that has been destroyed by a sudden alien invasion.  You will play the role of a survivor hiding in a barn since the invasion, months ago.  But, something strange starts to happen . Every day, every night, you wake up with new memories, new abilities, new paranoias.  You ask yourself “What is happening here?”

Good question!

The game will include what the devs call typical stealth mechanics, but the player will suffer constant abductions that will alter your sense of reality and break down your deepest beliefs.  With Oculus Rift support, it’s hard not to get just a little excited about this one.

The Hum is a few months along in development – hopefully we’ll have some more news soon!  You can also check out the game’s official website and Facebook page.  For now, take a look at the teaser video and keep watching the skis.  Uhh, I mean…skies.

YouTube video


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