Tour the Most Haunted House of 2017 in Visage Gameplay Trailer


The indie developer behind Visage put together a great new gameplay trailer for the game, and now I am wondering what isn’t haunting this happy home. The trailer looks equal parts Amnesia and P.T., with a dash of MC Escher on a bad trip. There are staircases winding together into oblivion, every faceless poltergeist known to pop culture, and at least four different areas that connect back to the house through strange portals in the walls.

After seeing this trailer, I am actually excited to get my hands on Visage. While an exact date isn’t available right now, Visage will be releasing on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Interested players can keep an eye on the Kickstarter page for monthly updates. We’ll cover major updates here, like the June note that the game is going to be a little delayed. With this much content, a delay is totally understandable. Best of luck to the people at Sad Square as they polish up Visage for release. It looks like a hell of a game.

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