The Deception franchise is known for two things: setting up traps to kill your enemies and half-naked female warriors with hilarious voice-acting. These three new trailers prove that the upcoming Deception IV: Blood Ties still has both of those things and polished them to a shine.
While I can’t read any of the text that comes with these three videos, I can only imagine “『影牢 ~ダークサイド プリンセス~』” translates to something along the lines of “This will be pretty dang cool and it was worth the wait.” Aside from showing off some neat combos, the trailer also clearly depicts the improved movement speed and that players can now set up five traps at once, as opposed to only three. The areas and character models also look beautiful, though I did notice the animation was somewhat unfinished.
I have posted my favorite of the three clips down below and the others can be viewed on the Tecmo Koei Youtube page.