The Walking Dead: Season 2 – Episode 1 gets a new trailer

It’s funny, even with this brand new trailer for the first episode, “All That Remains,” for the second season of The Walking Dead, Telltale has yet to officially put out an official release date. It jus tends by saying it’s coming very soon. Come on, we all know that means next week!

The trailer got me feeling emotional. It shows scenes from the first season with Lee protecting Clementine as they both tried their best to survive in a zombie-ridden world. Now, Clementine is all alone. And like the voice over in the trailer states, people aren’t differentiated by regular categories anymore. Clementine isn’t a little girl, she’s a survivor. And I’m really looking forward to see how Telltale will break my heart in this season with players now having control of Clem.

My only concern resides with Telltale’s ability to actually commit to a monthly release schedule for the episodes. I mean, I’m still waiting for the next episode of The Wolf Among Us dammit! And with more on the developer’s plate now (Borderlands and Game of Thrones), I sure hope they can keep up the consistently amazing quality found in the first season.

You can watch the new trailer below!

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