The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2 bundled together in the Telltale Games Collection for Xbox One


Telltale seems to have quite a lot on their plate nowadays. The team is currently hard at work on Tales from the Borderlands, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead: Season 3. Oh, and they recently announced that they’re working on a Minecraft title! And my fingers are crossed for another season of The Wolf Among Us.

Their version of The Walking Dead has been excellent, and it ranks as my favorite even when compared to the source material. And now, Xbox One owners can enjoy both season with the Telltale Games Collection bundle. This massive bundle is priced at $109.99, but Xbox Live Gold members can get it for $55. The bundle includes The entire first and second seasons of The Walking Dead (including the 400 days DLC), The Wolf Among Us, the first episodes of Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones and their respective season passes.

It’s the time of giving and Telltale surely wants to do just that!


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