The Trailer for SWERY 65’s New Game The Good Life Has Debuted

This morning SWERY, quirky developer of Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die,  dropped the debut trailer for The Good Life, his new daily life RPG. The game is set in Rainy Woods, a rural English town where something strange happens at night … all the residents turn into cats! A pretty strange premise no? But it wouldn’t be a true SWERY experience if there wasn’t also a juicy murder mystery involved, now would it?

Protagonist Naomi, a visiting photographer from New York, stumbles upon the body of a young lady and soon finds herself trapped in the so called “happiest town in the world.” It seems there’s someone — or something — rotten in Rainy Woods. No one can remember what they do at night, and Naomi is determined to figure out just what’s really going on. The town’s power of turning the townspeople into cats once night falls will prove useful to Naomi’s investigation as her feline form will give her access certain secret paths, roof tops and attics throughout the town.

SWERY promises to show more during his panel at PAX, September 2, at 4:30 PST, which will thankfully be live streamed on the official PAX Twitch Channel for those like me who are unable to attend the con. If you’re interested in making The Good Life a reality, the game’s crowdfunding campaign will launch on Fig on September 2, 2017 at 5PM PST with both investment (meaning you can potentially earn financial returns alongside the game’s success) and traditional rewards available to backers.

I’m pretty excited to hear more about this game next week. Knowing SWERY, we can probably expect some over the top characters and some bizarre, dark situations. If the murder mystery is anything like Deadly Premonition we will see some disturbing things indeed. We’ll keep an eye on this one to determine if there’s spookiness to warrant ongoing coverage.

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