Naughty Dog has recently revealed that The Last of Us Remastered will come with a 30fps option that players can toggle to lock the framerate down to its original number. Reports from various sites, including Eurogamer, state that Naughty Dog revealed this option during a presentation about the game’s PS4 exclusive features. Eurogamer’s report also suggest that the game’s unlocked framerate will occasionally dip below 60fps, which is why they’re allowing for a solid lock at 30 (same as the PS4 inFamous and Killzone games).
Also revealed was a Photo Mode that will be available in the remaster, similar to the one found in inFamous: Second Son. Players will be able to freely screencap in-game moments with a variety of filters and upload them online.
Lastly, Naughty Dog has teased another DLC pack for the game, most likely multiplayer oriented. Eurogamer states that it will be cross-buy on PS3 and PS4.
The Last of Us Remastered releases on July 29.