The Evil Within pre-order stuff announced

Along with a brand new release date for The Evil Within, Bethesda has also announced that the game will be receiving a handful of pre-order content for those that put their orders in ahead of release. “The Fighting Chance” pack will include several items and a shotgun for Sebastian to make use of. The full list is as follows:

  • Medical Kit – A vital health enhancement to enable Sebastian to fight on.
  • Green Gel – Used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes.
  • Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells – A larger and more formidable shotgun than the regular shotgun, it’s useful for tight situations with multiple encroaching enemies.
  • An Incendiary Agony Bolt – Capable of showering nearby enemies with damaging fire sparks.
  • A Poison Agony Bolt – Will draw enemies towards it and poison them, allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.

It’s hard to tell by the wording of some of these items, but it appears that the content will be limited use. The double barrel shotgun comes with three shells, and the items may be a one-time saving grace. That’s pretty funny and fits well with the survival aspect, don’t you think?

Bethesda have also released a new trailer showcasing the reactions of players of the game. Zack is not featured in it, because we pride ourselves in being seasoned horror vets. Shinji Mikami is going to have to personally chase us with knives at E3 for us to truly feel fear.

The Evil Within is set to release on last and current gen consoles, and PC on October 21.

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