The Evil Within 2’s Advanced Customization Offers a Sebastian for Everyone

The Evil Within 2 may look pretty similar to the first game, but the latest Bethesda Blog has revealed that the game will be bigger and more open-ended than previously expected. Today The Evil Within 2 Game Director John Johanas and Bethesda have detailed how customization will play a bigger role in Tango Gameworks’ sequel, allowing for more diverse (but still survival horror-oriented) play-styles.

Customization in The Evil Within 2 is available in five difference categories: Health, Stealth, Combat, Recovery, and Athleticism. Some upgrades are passive like a permanent improvement to health regeneration of stealth capabilities, but other special abilities need to be activated — such as temporarily improved damage, etc. Green Gel returns to upgrade Sebastian specifically while weapon parts are reserved for his shooty shooty bang bangs. The crossbow in particular will be the center piece of the weapon upgrade system, as it returns with elemental bolts and such.

Lastly, finding standard ammo is allegedly rare in The Evil Within 2, so players will have to craft on the fly or at a workbench using found (and ostensibly scarce) resources within the nightmare world of Union.

“You can customize your experience to prepare yourself for what’s waiting for you, but there’s danger around every corner in Union,” says Johanas. And key to that danger is the fact that you don’t know what’s lurking around the next corner. “Horror, for me, is always about the sense of mystery you feel, and how you can never fully grasp what’s going on,” Johanas adds. “When you finally get your hands on The Evil Within 2, there’s this deep mystery about the world and about these characters, and especially about Sebastian, that you’ll only really uncover as you go further and take on some of these enemies or go searching through the world. Sebastian has to explore this new world with no knowledge of what’s going on; he just knows he has to save his daughter and that’s really all that matters to him.”

The Evil Within 2 releases on October 13, 2017 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. We hope to have some impressions for you guys soon!

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