The DOOM Campaign Trailer Sure is Loud Too

Bethesda and is Software are gearing up to release the new DOOM next week, and today they’ve released a new campaign trailer – technically a launch trailer, but yay dialogue and new environments!

The trailer begins with DOOM guy naked and strapped to a table, where he breaks free and punches a demon (of course). He’s then greeted by some robot (?), with one of them saying to him “you’ve returned?”. Not sure what’s going on here, but I’m intrigued given we know so little about what the game is actually about outside of shooting things.

The trailer is fast-paced like the others before it, and features some loud music. The game definitely isn’t aiming for slow dread like its predecessor. We’ll find out if it was worth the wait when it releases next week. We’ll keep you updated on our review status as well.

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