TGS 2014: New The Evil Within trailer and TV spot appear (Update: English version added)

The annual Tokyo Game Show starts this week, but we’ve already got a new look at Tango Gameworks’ The Evil Within (well, technically Psycho Break, the game’s Japanese name). Two new videos of the game have been released to coincide with the gaming event and let’s just say that you will be weirded out.

The new trailer for The Evil Within may not be in English, but I don’t think that will stop you from appreciating the frightening content that’s shown off here. A whole lot of new creatures, some new areas, and lots of gore are showcased, in these fast paced trailers. Based on both videos, Sebastian will be chased by monsters a lot. The poor guy can’t manage to not trip over things, either.

If you would rather not know what kind of creatures you’ll face in the game, then perhaps avoid the videos for now. But if you’re hungry for some new content, check both of them out below!

Update: The English version of the TGS trailer has been added.

YouTube video

YouTube video

[Via NeoGaf]

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