With a new game titled Deep Down, Capcom is hoping to explore new possibilities without being tied to a previous franchise. This seems like a wise choice since, aside from their design choices, fan expectation has been a major hindering factor, especially with Resident Evil 6 and DMC: Devil May Cry. This could be a genuine attempt to make something new, or another swipe at other successful games’ target audience, this time being that of Skyrim, Dark/Demon Souls, and Assassin’s Creed, but it’s hard to tell.
I think Capcom stands to gain a lot from creating a new brand and running with it. Their past games have so many fans because of the original experiences in all of them. We get a short peak at what this game will be offering in this trailer which takes us to medieval times and back. There’s seems to be a parallel of past and present (or future) in the game, similar to Assassin’s Creed, we see some computers in one scene with a date in the year 2094. The player character is shown wearing a suit of armor and fighting a dragon, among other creatures in a general action-RPG experience.
There’s some dialogue about special abilities we are lead to believe the player character possesses that seems tied to the plot. There are also some scenes of hideous monsters and environments that lend to the idea that this might be a horror experience. With Capcom Online Games developing the game it stands to reason that it will feature some online multi-player features as well. More news is sure to come soon as they have announced that a playable version will be at the Tokyo Game Show this month.