Bungie’s upcoming The Taken King expansion for Destiny has already rustled the feathers of folks because of its asking price, but today’s announcement has added more fuel to the fire against them and publisher Activision. It was revealed that The Taken King will have an exclusive mission locked away in Red Bull cans (and extra XP). The promotion is simple: buy a Red Bull from 7-Eleven (synergy!) in September, and you’ll find yourself a code to unlock content in Destiny‘s new expansion.
Suffice to say, the “Red Bull Quest” is not incentivizing many. This harkens back to the whole Mountain Dew / Doritos – Halo cross-promotion that lead to a lot of memes, one at industry pundit, Geoff Keighley’s expense. Poor guy.
Techland, developer of Dead Island and more recently Dying Light, joined in on the internet ribbing by posting their very own beverage-based promotion for Dying Light content: water. The developer posted the above image on their social media pages telling fans to level up their game with “the real king of hydration”. They’ve even launched the #DrinkRightDyingLight hashtag so fans can receive a free weapon docket in-game if they post a picture of themselves drinking water. Oh, video games, you’re so silly.
We’re jumping on the latest trend in game marketing! #DrinkRightDyingLight > #DrinkForDLC pic.twitter.com/DQHr6MRFwi
— Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) June 24, 2015
Update: Techland has sent out the below image giving players the first unlocked bit of DLC as part of their hydration-themed campaign. The more images sent to them with the #DrinkRightDyingLight hashtag, the more DLC will be unlocked.