Take a Sticky Walk Through Hell in New Scorn Trailer

As we reported last week, Scorn is back on Kickstarter to raise funds for the final stages of production. To keep players interested after two years of development, the team behind the Giger-esque hellscape have promised a backer-exclusive demo to be released on September 22. They’ve also released a new gameplay trailer showing off the environment of the first half of the game, titled Dasein.

While part one won’t release until sometime in 2018, players can get a feel for the somewhat fleshy world of Scorn in the trailer. There are cute little… monsters?… and a plethora of squelchy sounds as the main character explores a world that seems equal parts Halo, Amnesia, and Silent Hill. With every new trailer and still, Scorn looks a bit more like a game that picks up where the Amnesia series left off. If that trend continues, it could fill a gaming niche not often served by today’s hordes of zombie games and realistic post-apocalypse dreamscapes. Maybe it’s worth throwing another $150,000 at the project to find out.

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