Survival Horror Title Ridgewood Seeks Funding on Kickstarter


A Kickstarter campaign has been launched for a new survival horror game called Ridgewood. Its developer, Goliath Inventive is seeing $8585 dollars with a “no frills” single reward tier of £5 GBP that will allow backers to “be the first to play every aspect of the game, hear about all of our development updates and help contribute towards them.”

The story is simple, but sounds pretty creepy.

“Ridgewood has sat as a restricted site, owned by a private organisation for some 20 years.” The page reads. “Even local law enforcement are forbidden to step foot in the area.”


It’s a single-player game, and you’ll play as Bodhi Dalton, “one of four elite STF (Special Task Force) members.

“The last straw for the STF was that of a distraught mother, who claims their daughter somehow made it onto the other side of the restricted zone, whilst on a walk through the woods.” Says Goliath. “She claims before she could act, her daughter was confronted and chased by a crazed man, and disappeared into the thick woods. Despite her frantic efforts, the mother claims she could find no way into the restricted zone herself, so has turned to the STF as a plea to find her daughter.”

The Kickstarter campaign is currently sitting at $12 pledged with 2 backers and 29 days to go. Goliath hopes to release the game by this October. There’s a gameplay trailer below.

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