Super Castlevania IV coming to Wii U Virtual Console on Halloween

The Halloween season is quite noteworthy this year. Between Sony’s big Sale of the Dead promotion on the PlayStation Network and Capcom’s Nintendo-exclusive Resident Evil 3DS/Wii U sales, there’s quite a lot of gaming to do, especially for those who haven’t gotten a chance to play any of those discounted games before. But one game that needs to be played regardless of having any previous playthroughs or not is Super Castlevania IV. And this is Konami’s Halloween treat, along with the upcoming release of the Lords of Shadow Collection and Mirror of Fate HD, of course.

Super Castlevania IV will be coming to the Wii U eShop on Halloween day. I have been waiting for this ever since the virtual console went live on the platform. I’m really looking forward to playing the game on the GamePad alone. I’ve always wanted a handheld version of the game, and this will pretty much serve that purpose.

Not only that, but this is one of the best Castlevania games right here, and its soundtrack is just aurally orgasmic. Definitely plug in your headphones when you play it.

You can check out a trailer for the game below.

YouTube video


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