Stifled Gets Halloween Release Date For PSVR

I was just wondering when I’d be getting something new to play on PSVR.

It seems like forever since we first covered Stifled, a horror game where the player effectively uses “echolocation” to reveal the environment (similar to Perception, from earlier this year) by making noises into the PSVR’s built-in microphone. The louder you are, the more you see, basically making it a horror VR Daredevil game. It’s nice to see that we’ll finally be getting the chance to play, as it has officially been dated for release on October 31st, in just a few short weeks. It had originally been set to release last December but was delayed to polish the game further. While that might seem like one hell of a delay (nearly an entire year), it will hopefully be worth the wait.

It should be noted, however, that the Halloween release is only for the PSVR version. The Steam version has yet to be dated, oddly enough, although it may have a deal for a timed exclusivity on PSVR. That’s not unheard of- in fact, most of PSVR’s games that have gone multiplatform have had to wait a bit first, Batman: Arkham VR was a timed exclusive for about half a year, and Resident Evil 7‘s VR mode is still exclusive until a year after release.

If you’d like a look at what the game is like (albeit non-VR), CJ got the chance to play the demo last November.


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