State of Decay 2 is Almost Here so You Better Find Some Friends

It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years since the original State of Decay released. Not perfect, but full of potential, the first State of Decay was a look at developer Undead Lab’s ambitions at growing a new IP that would eventually open the door to a full blown zombie MMO. The original game offered a unique take on zombie survival, with base and survivor management, and permadeath. One thing it sorely lacked,though, was multiplayer support of any kind. Thankfully, State of Decay 2 changes all of that.

While State of Decay 2 is not the zombie MMO the studio said they were working toward so many years ago, it’s at least got four-player co-op; that sounds good enough to me. This week a new trailer dropped for the game, setting the stage for players to re-enter the zombie-infested county some 18 months after infection. The trailer goes over how teamwork is key amidst the daily activities one needs to engage in to ensure their community’s long term survival. With the game’s release on May 22 on Xbox One and the Windows Store, I suddenly feel pretty excited to give it a try. The wait will hopefully have been worth it.

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