State of Decay 2 Debuts Guns, Gear, and Gore in Zedhunter DLC

The Developers at Undead Labs unveil the latest DLC from State of Decay 2 with guns, gear, and gore in a new Zedhunter trailer. The game released this past May on the Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs. As previously announced at XO2018, the already expansive world is going to spread into a universe worth of content. With an additional online single or multi-player experience, there’s truly something here for everyone.

In the DLC, further expand your community strongholds, craft brand new pyrotechnics, and customize your vehicles as a battering ram, such as a Jeep with stag horns. The DLC also unveils new swords named Wraith, Mamba, and Masterwork Bokken, and consumables named Zedbait, Zedeye, and Zedrenaline. Your goal is survival, but the game trailer shows you can have a blast on the way there, with the footage closing on a jousting match with a gargantuan bloated shrieking zombie.

With customizable character appearances, inventory, and weaponry, State of Decay 2 makes the evisceration of zombies fun, malleable, and a bloody good time. The Zedhunter trailer also toots its horn for the amassed number of survivors, millions of active players, and billions of zombies killed with a constantly ticking numbers-gauge. The DLC is free for current game holders or via Xbox Game Pass. State of Decay 2’s Zedhunter DLC debuts next week on November 16. Read our full review of the game here.

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