Spike’s VGA Commercial Hints at New Zombie Game?

Yesterday, Spike TV (you know, the channel for all things manly?  The one whose daytime lineup includes more Star Trek and CSI than you can shake a fist at?  Yeah, that’s the one) aired its first trailer for their yearly VG awards.  Normally, people would simply gloss over a mere commercial, but not so much when it beckons you to “look closer.”  And who can resist the siren call when there’s so much gaming goodness all around?

Did you see that? Not only is there a lot of Kratos in that commercial, there are other images as well. Honestly, blink and you’ll miss some of this stuff! And in case you did miss it, there’s a barcode there – anyone with a Blackberry (or an iPhone even…I guess) can whip out their favourite barcode scanner and scan the code, linking them to a web page.  Well what does the web page say?


Huh…what does that mean?  And why do I suddenly feel like I’m at the Overlook Hotel?  Furthermore, pause just one second later (if that) and there’s a nice public service announcement.

Oh, man!  What could it all mean?  The 1 out of 3 means that there are still two hints to go at what this could all be leading up to.

Here’s hoping it’s another Left 4 Dead 😉 Because that would be just awesome…Oh God, please say it is!  PLEASE!?  Why do we think it’s L4D3?  The L4D series is filled with public service announcements from CEDA.  Telling people things like wash your hands and what to do if you think you’re infected (turn yourself in, so you can DIE) and to report infected loved ones.  While true, this sign might have a little more…pizazz to it than the previous warn-tell signs, perhaps with more time passed, CEDAs marketing team had a chance to sit down and really think up some good, eye-catching posters?

…Or maybe not?  Perhaps it’s something else completely?

With files from SpikeTV

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