SOMA’s New Story Trailer is Cryptic as Hell

Frictional Games has released a new story trailer for their upcoming game, SOMA. The Amnesia developer has kept a fairly tight-lid on the story aspect of the game, mainly focusing on showing off the game’s atmosphere and setting. Although they call it a story trailer, that doesn’t mean they can’t be cryptic as heck in its presentation. The game’s charm will ostensibly lie within its own mystery.

The main protagonist, Simon, is seemingly trapped in an underwater facility PATHOS-II with no recollection of what happened. The game is about his search for answers, like why machines think they are actually human.

Are you human?” Simon asks.
Did… did my body give it away?” The robot replies while tapping his metal clamp against its head.
…Yeah, I’m human!

For those uninitiated, Frictional Games are the folks behind the Penumbra and the Amnesia series. SOMA seems to be dead-center inside their wheelhouse. This game looks killer. SOMA launches on September 22 on PC and PS4.

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