The two zombie-themed Sniper Elite spin-off games have been doing reasonably well on Steam, selling over 500,000 copies since the first game launched in February 2013. The second game in the franchise launched in December of that same year and apparently the series was so successful that Rebellion has now decided to port it over to consoles.
creative director Jason Kingsley stated that, while they can’t reveal all the details yet, they at least wanted to do more with the game than just port it over. In his words: “We can’t say much yet but it won’t just be a re-package of the first two games – there will be plenty of new content to get stuck into.”
It’s also unknown which consoles will be targeted, though Rebellion did appear on a list of Microsoft’s ID@Xbox participants, which is a publishing program for indie developers, as well a similar list of European studios developing for the Playstation 4. I also hope Rebellion will consider the Wii U, because using the Gamepad for sniping works well and I’d love to play it on that system.