Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army was a 4-player co-op zombie game made by Rebellion and serves as a spin-off to their Sniper Elite series, in which you play an American sniper who is on a mission in Berlin during the final moments of the second world war. Both the original series and the spin-off were, in my opinion, a lot of fun despite of their obvious flaws and the focus on setting traps and sniping made for some interesting gameplay.
The sequel to Nazi Zombie Army was announced last month and we were told it would launch later this year. Rebellion has now announced a more precise date on their Facebook page, though, and that date is the 31st of October, 2013. This news was accompanied by a new teaser trailer that shows off some of the environments. Considering that release day is barely two weeks away from us, it kind of worries me that this trailer doesn’t show off any gameplay whatsoever, though you could argue that it’s safe to assume it will probably be the same as the last time around.
I am kind of disappointed in the tagline “Back to Berlin”, since there’s a whole bunch of places in Europe where Nazi soldiers died, so why can’t we visit those places? It would be pretty cool to snipe from atop the Nijmegen bride or the arc de triomphe.
The game can now be pre-ordered on Steam at a 20% discount and a 4-pack is available at a reduced price as well.
