Publishing platform Ultra announced today that they will be partnering up with Skybound Entertainment, the company best known for being the current home of The Walking Dead series. Various titles, including The Walking Dead series, Before Your Eyes, and Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan will be available on Ultra early next year.
Ultra is “the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.”
In a press statement released today, Ultra said:
As well as bringing Skybound’s previously released titles to Ultra, we’ll be adding several upcoming titles in 2022 and beyond. Our partnership will also explore ways to deliver more engagement to both of our communities and provide more value to players.
Ultra will have each of The Walking Dead titles available on Ultra Games so you can immerse yourself in the world of Lee Everett once more (or for the first time, as many wish to). With corpses returning to life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their own safety, jump right in to protect an orphaned girl named Clementine.
The Walking Dead series encompasses the following games:
- Season One
- 400 Days
- Season Two
- Michonne – A Telltale Miniseries
- A New Frontier
- The Final Season
- The Walking Dead: The TellTale Definitive Series
Before Your Eyes
Developed by GoodbyeWorld Games, Before Your Eyes is an award-winning and emotional first-person narrative that touches all. Controlling the story, and consequently affecting the outcome with each decision you make, embark on this journey and fully immerse yourself in a world of memories, as your whole life flashes before your eyes
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
For a lighter and wholesome experience, jump into the colorful and adventure-filled world of Rainbow Billy! Recolour the world in this 2.5D Adventure-Puzzle-Platformer with 30 hours of gameplay, all the time needed to have a whole lot of fun, explore mysterious lands, make new friends, and solve puzzles.
For more information on Ultra and its publishing partnership with Skybound, you can visit their official page here and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, and Discord.
You can also check out the Publisher Announcement video below.