The internet can a wonderful place, but sometimes it isn’t. Today’s example of that truth comes from a recent report that Silent Hills has been “confirmed” for a Halloween 2016 release date. This news came to my attention and I was hesitant to believe it. So I did what any skeptical person does and pursued answers.
In short, according to Konami’s own representative, Silent Hills has not been confirmed for a 2016 Halloween release date. The information is absolutely false. After showing the Konami representative the site that made the claim, I was told as such. That’s that.
The Silent Hill series is my favorite game series, and when it comes to information about it, I like to scoop it all up and inform you guys what I’ve learned. So consider this post me doing my best to make sure you’re correctly informed.
Now let’s get excited for TGS where we’re bound to hear something about P.T./Silent Hills!