Gareth Morgan is attempting to put a new spin on recently-panned big-budget film versions of Silent Hill with his latest feature, Silent Hill: Requiem. In 2014, Morgan crowdfunded his fan film with the initial goal of raising $3000, but was able to get a little more, which paid for the cast and crew. Filming took a month with green screen, and post-production took 3 years. In other words, just like a fairly extensive mod, this film is a personal passion project that we hope will pay off.
The story: “the Otherworld, which is the nightmare world that brings forth the fog and monsters and judges the guilty, has broken free of its boundaries and is now affecting the entire world. So an unknown force brings back the survivors of Silent Hill 2, 3, and 4: James Sunderland, Cheryl Mason, and Henry Townshend (respectfully) to try and stop the nightmare once again.” While we may feel sorry for these unfortunate souls, it is nice to have an excuse to reunite with our old friends once again. Unlike the Resident Evil video game series, Silent Hill has lacked a canon story that brings old (and newly-diagnosed with PTSD) characters together. Will they all survive?
Currently Morgan is attempting to raise funds for a sequel and you can support his work on his crowdfunding page. You can also view the first 13 minutes of Silent Hill: Requiem for free at his YouTube page (also embedded below). If you are hungry for more, a detailed cost breakdown for the rest of the film and additional goodies, including the original soundtrack, is here. I am enjoying what I have seen so far and appreciate that there are subtitles for those with hearing impairments (like myself).
It is interesting (and cool) how the film seems to accurately recreate the feeling of playing the games, including picking up objects and going into menus. As far as I know, no other video game adaptation has recreated the menus.