Mainline Shin Megami Tensei‘s time in the spotlight has been a long time coming and thank god it is finally happening. At today’s Nintendo Direct, Atlus delivered a trailer for Shin Megami Tensei V, as well as a surprise remaster of the spooky Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne.
While the SMTV trailer is yet another teaser, we now have a good look at what will presumably be the game’s protagonist, as well as a few new demons. The trailer’s dialogue seems to reaffirm the series’ thematic emphasis on molding the future as well as one’s often tumultuous relationship with various gods. As an added bonus, this trailer confirms that SMT will also have a worldwide-simultaneous release. Atlus has had a bad track record of localizing games in a timely and consistent manner (Persona 5 Scramble released five months ago in Japan, and the U.S version still doesn’t have a release date.), so this news is a welcomed change of pace.
As for Nocturne, the remaster will release in Japan on October 29th, 2020, for 5,980 yen (so expect a $60 price tag in the U.S), with a limited edition available for 13,980 yen. The Western release is slated for sometime in spring 2021. Thanks to the help of PersonaCentral, we learned that the Nocturne remaster will receive additional content, such as optional voice acting and a new difficulty mode for casual players interested primarily in the game’s story. One last additional note here; the remaster is based on the Chronicle Edition of the game which swaps out Dante from Devil May Cry with Raidou from Atlus’ own Devil Summoner series.
While SMTV is still slated to be a Nintendo Switch exclusive, it is worth noting that the Nocturne remaster will head towards both the Switch and the PS4. Considering Atlus’ recent and successful port of Persona 4 Golden to Steam, I suspect that ther library will continue to gradually expand in availability via remasters. Not only is it an easy paycheck for Atlus, but the greater accessibility will enable a lot of the newer fans to experience a more of what the Megaten series has to offer. (Strange Journey and Persona 4 Arena ports, please.)