Grasshopper Manufacturer’s underrated Shadows of the Damned has a semi-second lease on life. Today it has become available for play on Xbox One via a backwards compatibility update. Never played this silly gem? You should!
Shadows of the Damned brought Suda 51 (No More Heroes) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) together for a Resident Evil 4-styled shooter with neon-visuals, silly humor (big boner!), and lots of gore. The game felt a little neutered to what we saw in early concept art — which bares some similarities to The Evil Within‘s release look — but it was a fun game that I’d gladly take more of. Sadly the game never got ported to PC or current-gen platforms. It’s in dire need of a New Game+ mode as well.
Check the game out if you can. EA probably won’t commission a sequel, but you’re in for a fun time.