Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter relaunch dated

Precursor Games is a studio that has seen its fair share of controversy and bad luck in their pursuit to crowdfund Shadow of The Eternals, the spiritual sequel to the cult classic Eternal Darkness. From connections to the less-than-loved Denis Dyack of Silicon Knights and his supposed shady business practices, launching and cancelling their own personal crowdfunding without consumer protection the likes of Kickstarter, to a founding member of the company being arrested for child pornography, these guys have not had good PR since they’ve launched their campaign to get Shadow of The Eternals funded.

Despite all of this, the folks at Precursor have not given up; good on them. Today they have announced that their new Kickstarter campaign will launch on July 25th. The crowdfunding re-launch will most likely come with new rules and rewards–hopefully making things less chaotic and fishy looking by putting all crowdfunding on one channel as opposed to two, like they had before.Those who donated to the original crowdfunding pages will not lose their money or have it transferred over. According to CEO of Precursor Paul Caporicci, the closure of the former crowdfunding pages will mean refunds to all.

It would be great to see this game actually get released after all of this. If the company means well, then I hope they get what they’re hoping to achieve: making us what might be a good game and a sequel that we’ve waited a decade for.


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