As part of a mystery-themed Midweek Madness sale on Steam, several horror games are currently discounted on the platform. While most titles on offer are point & click adventure games, the following deals might be interesting for us horror fans:
Alan Wake and Alan Wake: American Nightmare, both 50% off. I don’t know much about this franchise aside from the common consensus that it’s a really good, Stephen King-inspired, mainstream horror title. If you are going to get this, then I recommend just getting the bundle, which is about 50 cents cheaper than getting American Nightmare separately.
Dark Fall: The Journal and Dark Fall 2: Lights Out, both 75% off. These are both somewhat average point & click adventure games inspired by Myst. With the discount, however, it’s difficult to not recommend, since it’s only $2 if you go for the bundle.
Home, 67% off. This is a 2D horror game in which you influence the story as you progress by making various choices. It frequently goes on sale and here too it appears for less than a dollar. The game is not too popular or well-received, but for that price it’s worth checking out for the narrative alone.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, 50% off. Again, a title I know very little about besides the fact that people seem to really enjoy it. Tarrah Rivard reviewed the game for us and said it was enjoyable, but a little on the short side.
The sale will continue till February 13th, 10AM PST, so you have until then to do your shopping. Click the source below to go right to the sale’s page.